Thursday, October 14, 2010

Thursday's Beauty Inside & Out Tip

Here is a step-to-step guide on achieving a flawless application:

Cover the entire lid with makeup primer before applying eye shadow. This will assure your colors won’t fade or crease. I always recommend applying eye shadows with professional brushes for precise application and ease of blending. Remember the smaller the brush, the more intense the color.

1. Choose a light neutral color (linen) to brush lightly and evenly from the lash line to your brow, covering the entire lid. This will be your base color.

2. Use a darker shade (sand) than your base color, and apply it to the crease line.

3. Use a shade lighter (snow/matte white) than your base color to highlight under the eyebrow.

4. Use a shade darker (chocolate) than your crease color to accent the outer corner of your eye. Take a full brush and blend all together. If the colors are too intense, fill your brush with the light neutral color you used in step one and blend all together.

5. Top off with a black eye liner or matte black shadow with a slant brush along top lash line.

Using an color on your bottom lash line is optional. If you decide not to line the bottom, then no need for mascara on bottom lashes. If you like color on your bottom lash line use a shadow – not a harsh eye liner – then apply mascara.

This is a good everyday look.

Tiffany Harger

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