Monday, February 7, 2011

Mommy & Me Monday: Valentine Suncatchers

For this simple, yet beautiful, craft you will need: clear contact paper, tape, tissue paper, and scissors. Precut some tissue paper into small pieces. Cut out a square of contact paper (mine was approximately 8X8 inches........I just eyeballed it), remove the backing and use Scotch tape to tape it to the table STICKY SIDE UP. Just put one piece of tape across each corner. This will make it MUCH easier for your child to complete the activity, believe me! After you've secured the contact paper to the table, let your child cover it with the pieces of tissue paper. This is a great activity for refining and strengthening those little finger muscles.

Once the contact paper is covered with tissue pieces as shown below, cut another piece of contact paper about the same size and place it on top STICKY SIDE DOWN. You are basically making a tissue paper sandwich. Smooth out any wrinkles in the contact paper and make sure the two sides are sticking together securely.

Cut the "sandwich" into a heart shape and tape it in your window. So pretty! (Tip: I just folded my contact paper sandwich in half and cut half a heart on the fold. This resulted in a symmetrical heart shape. If your child is able, you could draw a heart shape with a marker and have them cut it out.)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

LOVE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! so easy and fun!